Thursday 3 May 2012

Hitler, the orator (public speaker) By: Lishma and Athura

Hitler public speaking
Hitler public speaking 2


In general there are two different kinds of public speaking that are used to get a response from an audience. One is a speaker who uses reasoning, and another is one who speaks from the heart. People who speak using reasoning get response from the parliament. People who speak from their heart get response from the people. Hitler was one of the few that used a different approach, the Führer used both approach according to the audience he was addressing. But his most effective technique was to use “cold logic”.

“Cold logic” was very effective in Hitler’s case because he was straight forward on his ideas and many others followed him.  Hitler’s body language was his advantage to brainwash people into thinking they are the superior race. He way he speaks is very promising and enthusiastic. He used a lot of patriotism in his speeches. Hitler was most concerned on uniting Germany as one by getting rid of the minority races. Purity was hitler’s aim. He believed it would strengthen Germany and and bring the nation together.

Interesting facts:
"Because hitler did well in primary school, he learned public speaking well.

"His favourite game was playing the role of a commando rescuing Boers from English concentration camps."

"Rejecting the idea of fighting for Austria, Hitler volunteered for the German Army."

In 1925 Hitler’s book, "Mein Kampf", was published. The title that Hitler originally wanted for the book was “Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice”.
In 1926 Hitler finally take back control of the Nazi Party.

"Did they deserve any better, these people? How many had actively persecuted others, high on the scent of Hitler's gaze, repeating his sentences, his paragraphs, his opus? Was Rosa Hubermann responsible? The hider of a Jew? Or Hans? Did they all deserve to die? The children?"(The Book Thief, p. 375)
"Blood leaked from her nose and licked at her lips. Her eyes had blackened. Cuts had opened up and a series of wounds were rising to the surface of her skin. All from words. From Liesel's words." (The Book Thief, p. 253)

"There were the erased pages of Mein Kampf, gagging, suffocating under the paint as they turned." (The Book Thief, p. 237)

The Book Thief:
Zusak, Markus. The Book Theif. United States of America, 2006. Print. 


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