Thursday 3 May 2012

Nazi Propaganda (Tisant & Leeza)

In Nazi Germany, propagandas were becoming very influential for political groups to use on their citizens. The main point of propaganda is to persuade that your side or idea is correct. In Nazi Germany, the points that were seen on propagandas were often joining the military or that your political party was too strong to be conquered. He appointed Joseph Goebbels as head of propaganda. His main two tasks were to make sure there is nothing threatening or against the Nazi Party in form of a propaganda. His second task was to make sure the views of the Nazis were very persuasive. In order for these tasks to be completed the minister worked with SS and Gestapo and Albert Speer. SS and Gestapo helped perpetrate the threatening and damaging articles towards the Nazis. While Speer and the minister worked on the persuasive Nazi propagandas. Goebbels created the Reich Chamber of Commerce in 1933 to ensure that everyone followed the Nazis views.

Hitler came to power in January of 1933, but by May 1933 the Nazi party was strong and well supported enough to publicly demonstrate their beliefs.
The Nazis controlled the types of films released, only topics approved by Hitler were released to the public.
To ensure that everybody could hear Hitler speak, cheap radio sales were organized. Public places were ordered to play public speeches by Hitler

Alot of effort was put into propaganda for the Natzis because they did not have a majority of support amoungst the people.Those who supported the Nazis needed to be assured that their decision was a good decision. As well propaganda was used to convince those who opposed the Nazis.

"They had no qualms about stealing, but they needed to be told. They liked to be told, and Viktor Chemmel liked to be the teller."
(Death's narration, p. 274)

"There were the erased pages of Mein Kampf, gagging, suffocating under the paint as they turned."
(Death's narration, p. 237)
Interesting Facts:

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